Sunday, October 18, 2009

This guy does some really amazing stuff, not just prints but some pretty bizzare other things too. Very cool.

So, this is an "in process" shot of my Day of the Dead Steamroller block. Taking forever, but its coming in.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ten prints drying on the rack.

This is the finished key block print. it reads:

I am a window, I am a lamp
I am clouded, I am shining, and
I am colored.
Set in white, i fill with water and
overflow. I say much, but I
Have no words.

No public guessing, send me a message if you think you know.

First and second runs of key block.

Final block in key block.

Second run of my key block print.

This the first run on my key block print. There are five colors on three blocks.
In progress shot of my latest painting. Hope to have a finished shot by next week sometime.
Wow, getting really ahead in my printmaking assignments. Amazing what i can get done at home with a couple of movies. Got two runs done on my key block assignment, and i've started on the Day of the Dead block, but i'm not too far on it just yet. Tomorrow i'm going to try to finish my key block prints, so i should have some photo updates on that soon. I'll also try to remember to get a pic of my DOD block in progress too.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I thought this was really cool, very amusing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My other art. I made the mask, designed the sword, and helped sew the coat. I teach period Renaissance swordplay, btw, if anyone's interested.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My latest self portrait. Also, my first painting of the semester.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Yaaaaayy!! My first print of the semester in response to the headline "Wolves no longer need protection of the endangered species act."